There are a few specific places in the game where the player can escape the intended playing area. What sets these apart from typical out of bounds exploration is that many of them seem intentional.
Konpeki Plaza #1
@todo destructible wall that shows shuffled floppy discs on cubes
Konpeki Plaza #2
@todo ceiling hole that leads to janitor room and more shuffled cubes
Hanako/Devil Path
@todo probably not intentional - high floor you can walk through wall in atrium
Temperance Ending
@todo use 25/7 store to escape boundary wall
Don't Fear (The Reaper) #1
@todo use elevator + 25/7 store to escape the game
Don't Fear (The Reaper) #2
@todo use built-in jailbreak elevator to enter shaft/shuffle sequences of events for mission (can offset spawns, force auto-save to be anywhere including lobby, skip entire sector 3/4/nest fights)