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Dancing Buildings

Mega Building

The mega buildings have some interesting features as it relates to color theory. Many of the buildings seem to shift color to the inversion of another mega building under certain time and location parameters.

There is a correlation between the red apparition on the cores and mega buildings, as it turns out. There is a jumbled story that wants to unfold here. Can you see it?


H01 HW357 H01 @ 1pm. Smudged Graffiti H01 @ 1am. A single magenta window becomes visible in the graffiti. Down below the building, in the bottom of the forest, we can find matching graffiti. The character in the mural is illuminated by golden light that radiates around their skull. They stand on top of a serpent. After a moment of meditating on the debris, light from the above roads will illuminate the words "No future" - in white/orange/green with black sludge. Walking the path up the stairs, we see a skull divided in two among other things. This layout echoes Johnny's situation and the dreamscape perfectly.


H02 WS708 The Spider And The Web H02 @ 2pm. Awful bright, but nothing to write home about. You can see the same smudges used as a hint from H01's "No Future" grungy logo. H02 @ 2am. Positioning ourselves in the only immediately visible flood light and looking up, we can see a reddish light in the bottom right, lining up with where we saw the magenta light on H01. The immediate surroundings now match the colors of the building during the day. Another trail to follow... The lights in the area point towards the balcony. In the distance we can see the soft white glow to the red and black space station. Lets head there and meditate. In the distance, 2 aircraft begin to travel towards the roller coaster area, in front of blazing afterburners. Their destination takes our view to a rainbow of colors A familiar sight of a magenta spider spinning their web.

A Note On Mega-Buildings

They are all a projection of the local environment:

The curb in front of a mega-building.

There is always a site nearby with flood lights that are either already on and colored specifically, or that can be turned on. These sites almost always seem to share qualities with the mega building they are associated with.

The mega buildings also have a habit of changing colors given the right time and location. Take mega building H08 for example, that goes from pink and green to orange and green:

Chameleons At Night H08 @ 8pm. The pink and green stand tall. H08 @ 8am. The color cast with a cyan direct light and green area light at this time of day makes the building orange and green. Another trail to follow! The color cast to orange and green is exacerbated if we view it from the magenta booth in the market below.