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Broken Time Theory

@todo list:

  • discuss weird per-mission time rules
  • the pickup time rapidly moves forward until x, then stops at x until you do heist or force time change
  • losing time when v blinks in elevator w/hanako - several other examples
  • landing in AV at arasaka via hanako path makes time move backwards
  • "Love Like Fire" - subtitle, clock, and moon all disagree with each other
  • many occurances where time is hidden. probably can use mystery moon to discover times
  • set out timeline of all events that seem to overlap
    • hanako ending arasaka netrunners storm building to help you, just before other endings alt says that's whats happening.
    • panam ending large crash sound and character falls to ground. sounds like AV - like with rogue path. time matches.
    • all non hanako paths end at 11pm with smasher fight
    • we have shard in DFTR even though we didn't get it yet
    • endings overlap with corpo lifepath start (there's a security announcement too)
    • Pyramid Song, you hear Judy talking as if you were still in the BD room getting calibrated from early in the game
  • sleeping in rogue ending, 20 hours pass even though johnny says he and v will be dead in just a couple
  • countless more